OLYMPIA — As required by state law, political party declarations voters must sign when participating in the 2024 Presidential Primary were certified Tuesday morning by Secretary of State Steve Hobbs.
Washington’s voters do not register as members of a political party. However, Revised Code of Washington 29A.56.050 requires voters to declare on their ballot envelopes whether their party of preference is Republican or Democratic to have their votes counted in the Presidential Primary. The voted ballot inside the envelope will only count toward the candidates of the party declared on the envelope.
No other election in Washington’s four-year cycle requires this type of party declaration.
Under Revised Code of Washington 29A.56.031, each party must provide its list of potential presidential nominees 63 days before the primary, which is scheduled for March 12, 2024. Once submitted, state law forbids changes..
The declaration language on the ballot envelope for each party is identical except for the party name. Voters will choose between these options:
• “I declare that my party preference is the Democratic Party and I will not participate in the nomination process of any other political party for the 2024 Presidential election.”
• “I declare that my party preference is the Republican Party and I will not participate in the nomination process of any other political party for the 2024 Presidential election.”
A voter’s party declaration is accessible in the public voter files for 60 days following the election under Washington Administrative Code 434-219-330.
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