Serving Franklin County, WA

PDC records show business, ag support for Didier

Miller donated $8,138.74 to himself

PASCO — Business and agricultural support is growing for the candidacy of incumbent Franklin County Commissioner Clint Didier in his re-election bid, according to Public Disclosure Commission records.

Meanwhile, former commissioner and now challenger Rick R. Miller trails in his effort to add to his campaign finance war chest.

For the election cycle, Public Disclosure records show Didier has received $19,920 in cash contributions and $943.25 in in-kind contributions in his bid to be re-elected to the District No. 3 commission seat.

Didier’s contributions are from a who’s who of business and agricultural interests across the county, with donors connected to Grigg's Enterprises, Broadmoor RV Superstore, Coulee Flats Dairy, Bar W Farms, Mullen Rodeo, Advanced Realty Group, Rocking M.T. Farms, Hayes Farm, Lucky H Farms, Worsham Farms, and Curtis Land and Livestock, among several others, records show.

He has only donated $943.25 in in-kind services to himself, records show, and $2,200 (13% of donations) came from outside of Franklin County.

Miller is showing only $9,780 in cash contributions and $7,638.74 in in-kind contributions, records show. Of his total finances, $8,138.74 – nearly half of donations – are self-contributed.

Among Miller's cash supporters are a few Pasco School District employees, an auctioneer from Musser Brothers and the owner of Lampson International.

Of the contributions, $1,750 — nearly 21% of his individual donations — is from outside of Franklin County.

During the month of September, the candidates received the following contributions:

Didier – Charlie Grigg, $250; Robyn Grigg, $250; Lind Kenfield, $12.50; Loren Kenfield, $12.50; Rod Rottinghaus, $1,000; Harold Worsham, $166.67; Ron Worsham, $166.66; Saundra Worsham, $166.67; Brian Drouhard, $1,000; Donna Heinen, $500; Kevin Heinen, $500; Mark Wieseler, $1,000; Sharon DeRuyter, $250; Steve DeRuyter, $250; Brent Heinen, $500; Sheryl Heinen, $500; Kim Pauley, $50; Susan Pauley, $50; Annette Currey, $200; Franklin County Republican Central Committee, $1,000; Patti Bailie, $500; Stephen Bauman, $500; Lupe Cardenas, $120; Teri Chase, $100; Carol Curtis, $150; Norman Curtis, $150; Janell Dever, $37.50; Lance Dever, $37.50; Eric Freeman, $50; Tricia Freeman, $50; Mary Harris, $200; Todd Harris, $200; Cyntia Hayes, $250; Rhody Hayes, $250; Darrel Otness, $50; Melody Otness, $50; Sheriff James “Jim” Raymond, $200; Florence Sayre, $200; David Stark, $50; Laura Stark, $50; Ted Tschirky, $300; Loren Heinen, $500; Mary Heinen, $500; Michael Wieseler, $250; Mike Wieseler, $250; Trina Wiesler, $250; Westley Wieseler, $250; Kelsie Kenoyer, $500; Rodney Mullen, $500; Tami Mullen, $500; D’Ann Ramsey, $1,000; John Ramsey, $1,000; and Case VanderMeulen, $1,000.

Miller -- Dallas Green, $500; Jason Shero, $1,000; Bob Hoffman, $100; John Kennedy, $40; Tomas King, $250; former commissioner Robert “Bob” Koch, $100; Bill Lampson, $250; John Morris, $250; Scott Musser, $500; Rob Puckett, $100; Kati Sant, $150; Alan Schreiber, $300; Felix Vargas, $50; Matt Watkins, $100; Lisa Shero, $1,000; and Robert Whitelatch, $500; in addition to some small-amount anonymous contributions.

Author Bio

Roger Harnack, Publisher

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Roger Harnack is the co-owner/publisher of Free Press Publishing. Having grown up Benton City, Roger is an award-winning journalist, photographer, editor and publisher. He's one of only two editorial/commentary writers from Washington state to ever receive the international Golden Quill. Roger is dedicated to the preservation of local media, and the voice it retains for Eastern Washington.


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