Serving Franklin County, WA

'Free fishing weekend' set for June 11-12

Discover Pass, access permits not necessary

COLFAX — Fishermen won’t need a license, vehicle pass or two-pole endorsement this coming weekend if they head to the water.

That’s because Saturday and Sunday, June 11 and 12, are a “free fishing weekend.”

The free weekend is required by the state law that also implemented Discover Pass vehicle access requirements.

The free weekend coincides with National Get Outdoors Day on Saturday, June 11, and Free Fishing Day on Sunday, June 12.

During both days in Washington state, fishermen are not required to have a license to fish. Nor are they required to have a vehicle access pass to park on publicly owned lands managed by the state Departments of Natural Resources or Fish and Wildlife, or Washington State Parks.

Fees are still collected at fee-based campgrounds and boat launches.

Fishermen heading to the water to catch salmon, steelhead and sturgeon are still required to have a valid catch-record card.


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