Serving Franklin County, WA

Fishing season opens Saturday

Franklin County's Dalton Lake stocked with 6,500 rainbow

ICE HARBOR DAM – The lowland lakes fishing season opens Saturday, April 24, with trout being the most sought-after


Opening day also marks the opening day of the statewide trout derby, where fishermen can win more than 1,000

prizes totaling more than $38,000.

While some lakes are open for fishing year-round, the state closes a number of lakes through the fall and winter

while it stocks millions of trout and kokanee.

In Franklin County, the state stocked approximately 6,500 rainbow trout in Dalton Lake, located about 5

miles northeast of Ice Harbor Dam alongside the Snake River, over the last three weeks.

Dalton Lake is open year-round.

The state stock report shows 3,348 Tucannon Hatchery rainbow stocked in Dalton Lake on April 1, 50 Lyons

Ferry Hatchery trout April 6 and 3,132 Tucannon Hatchery fish on April 15.

The Lyons Ferry Hatchery trout average more than 1 pound each.

In nearby Adams County, no lakes were stocked.

Author Bio

Roger Harnack, Publisher

Author photo

Roger Harnack is the owner/publisher of Free Press Publishing. Having grown up Benton City, Roger is an award-winning journalist, photographer, editor and publisher. He's one of only two editorial/commentary writers from Washington state to ever receive the international Golden Quill. Roger is dedicated to the preservation of local media, and the voice it retains for Eastern Washington.


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