Serving Franklin County, WA

County leases road grader

Caterpillar Motor equipment on five-year lease

PASCO – Franklin County commissioners unanimously approved a five-year lease/purchase agreement with Caterpillar Motor for a road grader.

During their June 13 meeting, commissioners heard from Public Works Director Craig Erdman about the need for the purchase.

The new road grader will replace an older model, with the new annual lease payment set at $41, 918.98, with a final payment of $225,000 should Equipment Rental and Revolving not use the “lease return/guaranteed buyback option”

The lease and use of the Motor grader started June 1, being leased from the Pasco branch Caterpillar Motor.

Commissioner Lowell “Brad” Peck asked if the lease was the most cost-effective option.

“Yes, at this time,” Erdman said. “But we are continually evaluating.”

In other business, commissioners:

Had a public hearing on the Shoreline Master Program.

Planning and Building Director Derek Braaton spoke to the commissioners about deadline for submitting final reviews and changes to the program.

“We submitted our packet May 8,” he said. “We received a response late last week saying the were beginning their review.”

The Shoreline Master Program sets policies on the use of shorelines

Franklin County has requested a joint review process with the state Department of Ecology.

To avoid a penalty for potentially missing a June 30 deadline, commissioners voted to keep the hearing open to expedite the briefing process in the future.


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